The Midwife Appointment

When I told my doctor I was pregnant, she requested a urine sample to fit the surgery's policy. When this came back positive, the surgery midwife rang me and asked to book my first appointment. 

This can happen between 6 and 10 weeks and I think ours was at 9. My biggest regret, and I honestly don't know why I didn't let him, was asking S to stay in the waiting room. I really, really don't know why I did it and I feel awful for it still. 

I was in with the midwife for almost an hour. I was offered jabs for flu and whooping cough- I'll take them all. She went through my notes- which, for me, felt like the start of this pregnancy journey- and decided I was very low risk. She talked me through going on holiday, how to wear my seat belt and explained how crossing your legs is something to wean myself off- I'm still getting there with that. 

She also gave me a dental voucher for free dental care up until after the baby is born- which I think is amazing. Early on I did read about links between gum and tooth disease and harm to unborn babies. I booked a dentist appointment very soon after that. 

I booked my next midwife appointment for the 26th July, which at the time, seemed ages and ages to go, especially when I hadn't even had a scan yet. 

Following the midwife appointment or 'booking appointment', she contacted the hospital I had chosen so they could arrange the first scan. I had been warned I might not be able to go to the hospital I first wanted as the surgery might send me in another direction, but the midwife was absolutely fine with sending me where I wanted to go and it really was a relief to choose the hospital my baby will be born at.


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