The Hen Do

I was desperate for my 12 week scan so I could share the news with these guys. I needed to have that confirmation before I headed down South for a weekend of penis straws, hot tubs and cocktails. We all know there are not enough excuses in the book when you're avoiding the booze, water park, cheese and hot tub. Luckily I had the scan the week before meaning this lot were already prepped and fully prepared for me (mocktails, the best bed and dibs on food). 

Despite not taking a dip in the hot tub or sampling homemade cocktails, I still had the most amazing weekend and didn't feel like I missed out on anything. It did help that the weekend was geared around spending time with 10 other girls in a huge mansion rather than a drink-fuelled night out in the clubs. 

I'm very much only a social drinker anyway and have not missed alcohol once; this weekend was no different despite every tipple imaginable being on offer. I was more concerned about being tired and my FOMO kicking in, but everyone was ready to hit the hay around midnight both nights after making the most of the day. 

The only activity I would have loved to try was the water park. It's an outdoor inflatable obstacle course and obviously not intended for those with child. The girl arranging the weekend had suggested that if people didn't fancy the water park, there was a castle close by instead, which thankfully (weeks before) my friend had suggested instead. And it really was a lovely morning spent catching up with two of my friends before heading back to the house for an evening of drinking games. Yep, lemonade through a penis straw is just as ridiculous and remember- any cocktail can very easily become a mocktail. 

The weekend did take it out of me and it did catch up with me during the following week. But I think a lot of that was the 7 hour drive there on Friday night after work rather than a couple of late evenings spent curled up with friends. 


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