The Reveal

We waited until our 12 week scan to tell our families the news. My Mom and sister knew early on, I just couldn't keep a secret from my Mom and I just needed someone who understood what I was going through. It's funny how much closer it's already brought the three of us. 

For everyone else, we decided to wait until that 12 week confirmation and we could show them the scan photo. I had hoped that we would have had the scan before Father's Day so we could buy 'Grandad' card but, of course, the scan date was the Wednesday after. 

The night of the scan we went to see S's mom and dad, his sister, grandparents and then to see my dad and brother. Driving to every house I felt sick and I could feel my heart pounding. We knew everyone would be so excited but we didn't have anything special planned, no big reveal or surprises, and didn't really know how to say it. 

I had photocopied the scan photo and it was folded up. So we went in and told people 'W'e've got something for you' and handed it to them... I cried every time. 

There is nothing more special than knowing how loved your baby already is. 

S's dad thought it was tickets to the theatre and his sister was stunned... and then burst into tears. It was so lovely and special and didn't need to be anything more. I feel like this has also brought S and his sister closer together too. 

I couldn't help myself and I had bought a Grandad card for my dad. I glued the scan photo inside. We'd had to wait until my sister finished her shift before we could tell my Dad so we were waiting around the corner until she arrived at 8pm. When we got there I told him that this was for Father's Day and that it was late because we had to wait. He kept saying that he didn't need anything else... When he opened the card he understood straight away and then, of course, we all cried again.

I found telling people at work the hardest... I couldn't, and still struggle to, just say 'I'm pregnant' and instead told them I had something to show them and handed them the scan photo. I honestly have never felt so much love and friendship. Everyone was so happy and excited and just, well, bloody lovely. 

Telling my friends was also difficult as so many of them live so far away or our meet ups weren't planned for a while. So I sent them a text with the scan photo attached and a little note.

It has been the best feeling with people knowing. I didn't want some big reveal or for the news to be put on the internet (apart from this blog obviously) and our reveal was so personal and unexpected for lots of people. For our families it is the best news of the year and, after a rough start for lots of them, has given them lots to be excited about. I have never felt so loved and contented and it's just lovely not to lie about where I'm going or how I'm feeling.


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