The First Purchases

The first thing I bought was a baby book. Actually my Mom bought me a baby book the day I told her I was pregnant. She told me my Grandad had bought my Mom one when she was expecting me and so off we went to Waterstones and picked up The Day-By-Day Pregnancy Book by Dr Maggie Blott. It's a wonderfully straightforward, informative book and includes a page per day of pregnancy, accompanied by photos of the stage your baby is at. This has become my bible and I do read each page every day. 

After my Mom, sister and I had been to the Midwife Led Unit and heard baby's heartbeat, we went to Mama's and Papa's and the first real purchases happened. 

The first one I fully intended on picking up. The Mama's and Papa's Pregnancy and Nursing Pillow (£35) has changed how I sleep. I was waking up on my back every night really uncomfortable (and really trying hard not to do this after looking at advice that suggests sleeping on either side is best) and this pillow helps me to support my back or tummy. A must-have.

The second thing we (my Mom) bought was a changing bag. I am a bag lover. I am also a bit of a bag snob (as awful as it is) and I had been searching changing bags for weeks. When we walked in, I spotted this Alexander Wang-alike Tiba & Marl beauty from across the shop, and as it was on sale, had to have it. I was reluctant to buy anything so early on and kept saying I didn't want to buy anything and 'jinx' it. But I was convinced otherwise and have been trying to live by my sister's motto that 'If something is going to happen, it will- nothing can change that'. 

Of course while we were here we gave the prams a little trial run and I'm currently between the Bugaboo Buffalo and the Stokke. 

I have started a list now of things that I want to buy. Mostly it's the big things like the pram, cot, car seat etc. It is so exciting to be thinking ahead but that little part of me is still so cautious about getting ahead of myself. 


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